Welcome to Sprinkled With Sass: Passover Edition! For any who don’t know, Passover is the Jewish holiday commemorating when someone tried to kill us, but failed, so we all sit around our kitchen table and talk about it before we eat.
But Stacey, isn’t that basically every Jewish holiday? Yes. Yes it is.
So why is this holiday different from all other holidays? I’ll tell you! On all other holidays we can eat whatever we want, but for Passover we have to eat matzo so that we may remember our hasty flight from Egypt.
But Stacey, plain matzo is disgusting. How right you are! Fortunately for you, I have a delicious solution to a disgusting cracker: toffee and chocolate.
The beginnings of toffee
You can put almost any topping you want (I highly recommend pecans), but for this recipe you will need to bust out your candy thermometer so you can make your own toffee bits.
You want to get the toffee up to hard crack before pouring it on to your silicon mat to cool. Once it has fully cooled and hardened, you turn it into toffee bits through a highly technical process of putting it in a Ziploc bag and beating it with a rolling pin.
Starting to boil Almost there Pour me out! And now we wait…
Once you’ve vented your frustrations on your toffee, you get to make more! Yay! But this time you have to spread boiling hot toffee over matzo without burning yourself! Seriously though: offset and/or silicon spatulas are your friend here. The farther your hands are from molten sugar, the better.
Once you’ve spread your toffee, you pop the tray into the oven to get the toffee nice and bubbly. After that, you sprinkle chocolate chips all over the surface, let them sit for a few minutes to start to melt, then spread the chocolate in an even layer over the toffee.
Boring Slightly better Ready for the oven Bubbly Bubbly Bubbly
Next, sprinkle your toffee bits over the top, pressing gently to make sure they adhere to the chocolate. Pop that into the fridge for about 45 minutes to set. Once set, use a sharp knife to cut into the squares and refrigerate until ready to eat.
Warming up the chocolate Look at that shine Toffee bits looking good Om Nom Nom Nom Nom
Adapted from Once Upon a Chef
Matzo Crack
2 cups (4 Sticks) Salted Butter, divided
2 cups Dark Brown Sugar, divided
12oz semi-sweet chocolate chips
4-5 salted matzos (or a whole bunch of saltines if not using matzo)
Matzo crack
- In a heavy bottomed saucepan with candy thermometer attached, combine 1 cup of the brown sugar and 1 cup of the salted butter. Cook over medium heat, whisking constantly until temperature on the thermometer reads between 295 and 305 F. Carefully pour hot toffee mixture onto silicon baking mat or parchment paper. Cool at room temperature for 10 minutes, then place in refrigerator to harden, approximately 30 minutes.
- Once hardened, place toffee slab into a large Ziploc bag and beat with rolling pin until broken into bite size pieces.
- Preheat oven to 350 F. Line baking sheet with aluminum foil with about an inch of overhang on all sides. Arrange matzo in a single layer, breaking to fit as necessary.
- In a heavy bottomed saucepan, combine remaining butter and brown sugar. Cook over medium heat, whisking constantly. Allow to boil for 3 minutes before hot toffee mixture over the matzo. Using and offset spatula, spread the toffee as evenly as possible before placing the tray into the oven for 10 minutes, or until toffee is bubbly all over.
- Remove tray from oven and immediately sprinkle chocolate chips over surface of the matzo. Allow to sit for 3-5 minutes to warm the chocolate before using a spatula to spread chocolate evenly over the toffee. Sprinkle with your toffee bits and press lightly to sink the toffee into the chocolate.
- Refrigerate for 45 minutes until chocolate is set. Transfer to a cutting board using the overhanging foil. Using a sharp knife, cut matzo crack into squares. Store in the refrigerator until ready to serve.
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